When on Mayne Island, please enjoy but remain aware of the fragile microcosm.
Do your part to maintain and sustain it.
-Recycle, reduce and reuse...
Before you leave please take your recycling to our recycling depot. Please take your garbage with you. There is no landfill site on our island. We must pay to have garbage hauled off the island. And, please don't litter.
-Keep your dog on a leash...
Dogs that run loose have and will attack and kill.
-Conserve water
-Beware of the fire hazards...
Signs are posted for your edification. When the fire hazard is extreme please don't light fires (outside or in).
-Support our island economy by purchasing island grown and manufactured items.
-Obey traffic safety rules.... Drive cautiously. Bikers please ride single file down the side of the road.
-Enjoy your stay and come back often.
Do your part to maintain and sustain it.
-Recycle, reduce and reuse...
Before you leave please take your recycling to our recycling depot. Please take your garbage with you. There is no landfill site on our island. We must pay to have garbage hauled off the island. And, please don't litter.
-Keep your dog on a leash...
Dogs that run loose have and will attack and kill.
-Conserve water
-Beware of the fire hazards...
Signs are posted for your edification. When the fire hazard is extreme please don't light fires (outside or in).
-Support our island economy by purchasing island grown and manufactured items.
-Obey traffic safety rules.... Drive cautiously. Bikers please ride single file down the side of the road.
-Enjoy your stay and come back often.

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